
The singing inspector

Hello my name is Jesse I met the singing inspector 👺and I was so terrified!!🤯 Right before he called Benny and Charles I thought he was going to call me up. “Oof”shame the boys had to sing.They sounded terrible. Mr R was mean he kept saying “waste of time waste of time two voiceless idiots in a singing class”.The rest of us did not know a single song.He got so angry he roared. 🦁It was like the worst day ever.  He immediately send them out.👉He called me,I was nervous and then I sang. Luckily I did well...thank goodness.Can you imagine if I didn’t do well I would have been throne out like the boys.Gladys and Iris were next and Gladys was so scared she was shaking.Mr R 👺was at it again being rude and said “what do we have here the deaf and the dumb”.I hated that part.If I was them I would have been hurt and wish I could just vanish.💨 What a day!!This was definitely the worst day ever. I have never met a teacher like this Bull bushman. I hope this will never happen a

Our visit to Sinai Academy

Last week we visited the Sinai Academy in Bloubergrant. The class went to a synagogue.We walked into the synagogue and the girls and the boys split up.The Rabbi showed us their Bible,which from the left to the right .The Rabbi blew a Ram’s horn and it was super loud. We had Shabbat with the Jewish children.We ate challah bread and grape juice.One of the children  taught us the way they pray it was amazing.They also showed us how to lit of candles.the Jewish celebrate the Rosh Hoshanah I enjoyed the morning. I respect their religion they celebrate. Thank you so much.  

Gr4 camp

Last week we went to camp. We first went to Giraffe House. I was so scared of the snake ,and i was amazed to see the big frog. And I felt the long snake it was a amazing time there. When we got to the camp sight I was sleeping with Maddison , Duyushka, Melissa,we hade a lovely time. And I loved talking to Quincy he had this amazing accent and X-Man was so dark and and creepy and sometimes he would smile. Alan was so funny I could not stop .